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Friday, September 05, 2008

Thanks Eleen(: for helping mii edit(: hahas(: loveeee dhee picss(:

loves lollipop
2:14:00 AM

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

zHeNqI iS hErE(: said:
okay i am readyy
adele(: said:
adele(: said:
so what hw euu finish?

adele(: just sent you a nudge.

zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
which onee
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele how touh delete emoticon i dunn have the icon! and my sister anyhow add
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: sends:

You have asked to share this background with adele(:.

The transfer of the shared background is complete.

adele(: says:
nice background!
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
i kww
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
answer my q
adele(: says:
what q
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
how to delete emoticon
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
i dunn have the iconn
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
er.... i dun leh
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
how i found it nevermind
adele(: says:
can send me some other backgrounds?
adele(: says:
nice ones
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele(: says:
(: yipee
adele(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: sends:

You have asked to share this background with adele(:.

The transfer of the shared background is complete.

zHeNqI iS hErE(: sends:

You have asked to share this background with adele(:.
adele(: says:
t that nice lehhs

The transfer of the shared background is complete.

adele(: says:
this nicer
adele(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: sends:

You have asked to share this background with adele(:.

The transfer of the shared background is complete.

zHeNqI iS hErE(: sends:

You have asked to share this background with adele(:.
adele(: says:

The transfer of the shared background is complete.

adele(: says:
adele(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele(: says:
i like
adele(: says:
tag my blog?
adele(: says:
i tag you
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
you tag me w ok?
adele(: writes:
adele(: writes:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
NOT pokemonsory about the caps but caus ei hate the emoticon!]\
adele(: writes:
adele(: says:
i don't understand
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
t pokemon sorry about the caps cause i hate the emoticon!
adele(: says:
lets start a new conversation then i post on my blog ok?

adele(: just sent you a nudge.

zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
are you here??
adele(: says:

adele(: just sent you a nudge.

zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
here \
adele(: says:
(: haha
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
sorry about the late replys cause i am doing ilearnnn
adele(: says:
i am going to post this...
adele(: says:
will you??
adele(: says:
oops i thought you say you are ready??
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele(: says:
er.... yeah
adele(: says:
(: (: (:
adele(: says:
but my sis playing the com

zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
i posteddd!
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
i cant see
adele(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
lool at my pic
adele(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
you cant play me
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
! w is the eye
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
t eye?
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
its still the guitar thingyy?!
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:

Your contact appears to be offline, so you cannot send a nudge.

zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:

adele(: said:
adele(: said:
adele(: said:
not the guitar
zHeNqI iS hErE(: said:
yeahhi saw the eye
adele(: said:
that one

adele(: says:
adele(: says:
that is my display pic w
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
pinkk eye
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
i hope i have dhatt
adele(: says:
adele(: says:
so cool
adele(: says:
send me some pics lehhs
adele(: says:
in the sharring folder
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
zHeNqI iS hErE(: says:
wait arhh

adele(: received the files you added to your sharing folder.

adele(: received the files you added to your sharing folder.

adele(: says:
aw.... so cute!!!
adele(: says:
thanks! (:
adele(: says:
can send here???
adele(: says:
like drag it into the conversation

loves lollipop
1:01:00 AM