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Sunday, July 27, 2008

i have not blogged for like already 1 month... this looks like a dead blog...but nevermind...i will try to blog more...
1 now i have moved house, and i quite like my new house...and maybe i am having mii housewarming at urm...16 august?
2 miss chan left the school *sad*
3 i did something dhat i would never forget
4 i am afraid of mrs chew and ms kuah
5 i am having mii own computer but have to share witt mii sis
6 i got a double decker bed
7 my bookshelf is too high too tall
8 my new house is super near armanda's hotel
9 it is also suber near parkway
and more...
gotta go now....
PS: going swimming later...yeahhs! 1st timee swimming at mii new house...
and i cant wait for mii housewarming!


loves lollipop
2:57:00 AM

Friday, July 11, 2008

hellohs everyone(:
todaee ms kuah never come and ms chan took over...
she is like quite nice(:
and now mrs chew also gone...
took over by ms shikin(:
i kept forgetting her name then at first i thought it was mrs shinti....
now talking to armanda mei and dacie mei in msn(:
oh yeahhs adele mei had also changed her blogskin but how come suddenly becomee alll the p4 posts arh?
and i hope everybody will tagg...
now i having quite a busy timetable...
Mii timetable...
Mondae: tuition at jurong (quite far and takes up a lot of time...travelling here and there)
Tuesdae: chinese remedial, science remedial and after dhat lorna whiston
Wednesdae: lorna whiston(sch) actually theres chinese ochestra but then no timee....
Thursdae: tuition at 4

quite busy on monday turh wedensday then fridae is the BEST!

todae social studies was really nice...
i lurve mdm faauziah...
she let us watch the movie...
very nice...
then got onepart also suber funny with a man without any clothes then they suber skinny then they have turh walk around....
cause they are the POW...
oh yeahs...i went to the av theatre like for damn lots of times for the whole week
cause we watch the chinese show about the xiao Q (quill) he wqas like super cutee(:
andd the story suber sad...
adele teared...
the dub bi xian sheng died.....
soo sad....
the part when the son go and feed the dog they were so superr funny.

i should thiink this is quite long enough...

loves lollipop
2:27:00 AM

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hellohs i changed my blogskin and my cbox and everything...what do you think of the cbox?
and the blogskin?
do euu know now mii sister is having her tuition and she is called Hannah...
recently like got nothing turh postt....
mrs chew had left and there's this teacher called urm...ms shinti(right?) and she is like normal...but she gives us the answer for almost everythingg...but i almost going to fall asleep...
and adele and armanda stayed back todae' for cheerleading dance again...
everybody pleazz taggg a lot pleaz!

loves lollipop
2:55:00 AM

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Yeahh! Its youth day! Went to the beach in the morning...then after that the hardworking me did some homework...then later going to parkway borders...next i think goingg to my neew house...can;t wait...moving in 2 WEEKS TIME... yeah... please tag lurh everybody mind tagging? oh such a short post...oh armanda mei good luck for your green house dance...yeahh....adele too...

loves lollipop
9:36:00 PM

Friday, July 04, 2008

Just feeling very very pissedd off...
Just came back from today's co recording...
Now i am thinking of quitting co...now i am the last in co...thats why...
so now i have two paths to choose...
number one is continue to study and quit co...
number two is i continue on co and be the super best in cello...
hard time to consider...
today my teacher asked me not to play lots of important parts such as the xiao cheng gu shi first part and the urm...the spark of hope almost one quarter of it...
i am really thinking i wanted to quit now...
really really really...
now i really need to tell someone about something...
can't take it anymore...
need someone to be my listener...

loves lollipop
3:28:00 AM