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Monday, June 30, 2008

Oh hi(: Now i am in jocelyn's house now...while she is at co...Weird. and i really really have to change cbox cause my cbox doesn't match..oh yeah i got another blog called http://www.crownsofstories.blogspot.com but there's n0thing and i am thinking of blogging the Lola rose(: do you know i am the only co member going for the wednesday lorna whiston?! tomorrow is going to be a super buzy day f0r mii...cause tommrorow i am going to meet my buddy on the com he lao shi said the school created one website to goand meet my buddy! love ya buddy(: then after sch got chinese remedial then after chinese remedial is science then still got larna whiston tuition at parkway...this is a sample of studying to DEATH...now feeling extra bored(: super can't wait to move house...love my new house man! my bedroom's going to be purple and my study s going to be urm...blue..yeah!
think we gotta go for tuition...

loves lollipop
12:30:00 AM

Friday, June 27, 2008

More Comments and Myspace Layouts at pYzam.com

loves lollipop
2:52:00 AM

Thursday, June 26, 2008

loves lollipop
11:07:00 PM

24th June 2008(1st day:)

Todayy was the first day of p5 camp...I got quite exited and everything...and i hope we will have fun xD okay...we came to this camp sarimbun camp,and then we assembled and waited to see who is our trainers...:) our trainers are...(they have nicknames...)urm...Polar Bear and Fishcake. Lols. And do you know something very embarassing?! do you know polar bear called me "darling:". OMG! super duper OMG! then he chose me to be the girls leader! soooo embarassing! then after that we went around the campsite...then there's lotsa ants...and all those stuff...then after that we went to our dorms and took our plates and mugs and forks and spoons and...guess what?!I brought Barbie cup!Then i also bought the New MAcdonalds Farm plate! super childish!!! our lunch was: rice, cabbage,fried potato and curry chicken and thats our first meal in the camp on the first day:) After lunch we went to the Obstacle Journey then after that the first stattion called LOw wall then 2 ppl had to hold you and im scared that I am too heavy! And do you know when i land over on the other side,i sat on the sand while actually you are supposed to squat....then the 2nd station is called the paralell bar then i can;t limb up on the first part but i finally did it anyway, the is the3rd station which is alled the Beam then i tried to jump over it it was super easy...nothing to say...okay the next station is called a Beam also but its urm..more higher...we must go one by one so all the boys go first then all the girls went...that's so embarassing! okay...the the swinging bridge....its the easiest one of all...you just walked or even run acoress it and it will shake but you don;t seem to be able to fall off the so called bridge! then the LAST one whih is called the Suiide Window whih is the most super hallenging but when you did it its quite fun actually:) then after obstacle course then after that we went to the team building which we have to super squeze into four hoops,we made it then three hoops we made it too, the after that two hoops so we thought we could put our feet inside and sit outside...then the t-rex said we were thinking out of the box. yeah! actually it wasn;t even my idea...okay next we are supposed to squezze again onto the 'raft' then after that we havbe to move the raft to where t-rex said stop. then after that brad fell off the raft so we had to urm...move the raft over to him then to out destination and do you know when we were sqeezing, somebody farrtted inside then theres all this sweaty smell. yucks! okay after team building we went back to our dorms again to wear our shorts and black shirts caus ewe are going to the river challenge! and that's something to look over to...i thought...but when i saw the river it was like so muddy and soo disgusting! but i went in at last...armanda sat on top of me hen when wwe were almost reaching to the partb where polar bear was, then he was like splashing us then i closed my eyes! we weere being capsizd after that then thought the water is super deep but then actually i can even squat down and i could feel all those san sand sandy parts eww! my shoes are super super sandy and its like very muddy too! okay then i went and get my glasses then BAD NEWS! I accidentally stepped on Sheren's glasses! arrgh! and the bad thing is her glasses is those expensive ones the ones that will become sunglasses when theres sun so it cost about $650! so i was like super super scared! then after that sheren go and tell polar bear then urm...he said he will help her fix and then he really fixed it then after that he real.y fixed it and passed it to her! and now her glasses was super okay but she said there's scrathes on her lens... so then armanda asked her if i need to pay her she said she have to ask her mother...hope her mother wont charge me! super hope! pleaz! and super super super super uper super super super eper super sorry sheren! okay then after river challenge we went for wask up then we changed for dinner...dinner was: then after that we showered...then we have night activities....we are supposed to blindfold ourselves then after that we are supposed to hold on to the person in front of u on her shoulder...i was like so scared i would fall..then theres also steps and slopes and poles...and halfway armanda lost me! so then polar bear(i think!) asked hr to call fro my name so she was like 'zhenqi!' then i said here and this was repeated lots times...its actually something like the survivl camp but i think the survival camp one is urm..more scaryier...cause they made you to crawl and jump and everything...then after that the ppl are suposed to scarttered us then we have to shout RESPECT RESPECT super loudly then all the respect must stay together...then after that i was scattered...then i first found adele. yeah! then i found sarah then lihui came and everybody...then i heard that there was urm..unity and respect and tenacity so then i thoguht about the terrible terrible(willy) what if i touched him? hope not. okay...then after the night activites theres supper then after that theres reflection then after that sleep! it was my first night...then we have to put on the bedsheet and everything...then at night was super coldd so i took out my sleeping bag...and i slept super soundly...

loves lollipop
10:55:00 PM

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hi:) Just back from co...guess guess guess guess guess what?! Maybe i am going to wild wild wet with armanda:) Yeah:) Dunno weather if armanda's mother would allow cause shai-ann is also going yay:) hahas:) i kept putting smily faces:) do you know i feel like posting my shenyang trip stuff but lazy...should i?:) And please vote:) oh yeah urm...i think i am going to upload my photos into the computer so maybe you could see them...:) shai-ann...i very long never read your blog...:( do you know that i also watch incredible hulk?! quite nice also...:) i need to go now:) bye:)

loves lollipop
3:06:00 AM

Sunday, June 15, 2008

You Are Fruit Flavored Gum

You are quirky and independent. You don't tend to follow any one style or rule book.

You are a mix and match type of person, and you draw inspiration from many sources.

While you're definitely a bit unusual, you get along well with other people.

You're eager to welcome anyone into your world. You are not judgmental at all.

You form close bonds with your friends, and your relationships tend to be very secure.

You hold firm to your beliefs and values, and you don't let anyone talk you into compromising them.

What Flavor Gum Are You?

loves lollipop
9:20:00 PM

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Forgotten Specter

Your Superpower is Cybernetics

Your Weakness is Itching

Your Weapon is Your Grenade Battle Axe

Your Mode of Transportation is Tricycle

What's your Superhero Name?

loves lollipop
9:19:00 PM

What Zhenqi Means

Z is for Zippy

H is for Hotness

E is for Eclair

N is for Number One

Q is for Qutie

I is for Infinite Love

What's Your Pet Name?

loves lollipop
9:19:00 PM

Hi:) i have decided. I am going to change 1 blogskin a month:) Now its like nobody tag in my blog...please tag:) when am i getting a tamagotchi version 5?...hey do you think a double decker bed is very childish for me?! cause i am getting it...:( and shai-ann, i STILL cant go to your blog...an you acess it pleaz? i wan to read... later i am having tuition with jocelyn...and i am going to give her her presents:) hope she like it:) oh yeah do you know when i ame back from shenyang on the plane, then you know i sit beside liu lao shi...but she is like very funny...and sarah,i DIDNT copy you...Byes everybody...gotta go soon...for tuition...
signing off...

loves lollipop
9:07:00 PM

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yeah! I finally finished my blog and added everything:) whew! And guess what? I took 2 hours to do that! My blog was DEAD cause i havent been blogging for like... a month?! That's crazy. so now i am trying to blog everyday except for saturday:) oh yeah do you like my blogskin? and i havent create my true friends test yet... i feel so tired... already re type and retype all my questions and answers!!!
1st time: At home. My mum came home suddenly so i have to shutdown the com.
2nd time: In sch. HLS shut down the window.
3rd time: In my piano lesson. My father had come to fetch me so then my piano teacher say must shut down the com.
4th time: At home. I published it but accidentally deleted it!
so bored...
What do you think of my blogskin? Please please please please please tag!
Okay i have been back already for like ALMOST 2 weeks and i HAVENT EVEN POST ANYTHING ABOUT MY SHENYANG TRIP! ARRGHH! kinda hate my blog now...how i wish i could go to armanda's sleepover on monday... IS shai-ann going? cause suhita also invited shai-ann to come to her sleepover on sunday so then armanda had to change it on monday! i wish i wish i wish i can go! i wish i wish i wish i wish i wish i wish i wish i can go! is there a wishing well here?
signing off...
ps: i used 3 hours of my time change my blogskin and stuff actually...

loves lollipop
9:05:00 PM