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Friday, April 25, 2008

Your Spelling is Good

You got 8/10 correct.

Your spelling is generally pretty decent. You are prone to a few mistakes, but the mistakes you make are pretty forgivable.

How's Your Spelling?

loves lollipop
3:14:00 AM

You Are 16% Gross

You're not gross, but you tend to think everyone else is. And you're right... they are!

Some people may think you're a neat freak, but at least you'll never die of flesh eating bacteria.

How Gross Are You?

loves lollipop
3:14:00 AM

You Are Lavender

You are a sweet person with a very soft personality.

People become easily entranced with you. They seem to glow around you.

You have a quiet energy that can keep you active late into the night.

Even if you aren't the life of the party, you definitely keep the party going.

What Color Purple Are You?

loves lollipop
3:10:00 AM

You Are a Cadbury Creme Egg

You're the type that stole little brother's easter basket so that you could have MORE CANDY!

What Easter Candy Are You?

loves lollipop
3:08:00 AM

You Make a Good First Impression

You probably are making a much better impression than you realize.

Social situations can be a bit awkward for you at times, and you tend to over think what you say and do.

If you make a social faux pas, you remember it a lot longer than anyone else does.

Just relax and do your best. There are little things you can do to improve your social image.

Express more of an interest in the people around you, and be a good listener.

The secret of fascinating people is that they find everyone else fascinating!

What Kind of First Impression Do You Make?

loves lollipop
3:07:00 AM

Your Luck Quotient: 49%

You have an average luck quotient.

There's been times when you've been extremely lucky... but also times when you've been very unlucky.

You probably know that you can make your own luck in life, if you're open to it.

So listen to your intuition as much as you can. It's right more often than you might expect.

How Lucky Are You?

loves lollipop
3:04:00 AM

What Your Face Says

At first glance, people see you as warm and well-balanced.

Overall, your true self is engaging and outgoing.

With friends, you seem logical, detached, and a bit manipulative.

In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.

In stressful situations, you seem sad and helpless.

What Do People Think Of Your Face?

loves lollipop
3:03:00 AM

You Should Be A Gemini

What's good about you: witty and energetic, you're simply the most fun to be around

What's bad about you: you're flighty - losing interest in people and projects quickly

In love: you enjoy the "honeymoon phase," but after that it's hard for you to stick around

In friendship, you're: likely to have many groups of friends, with many different interests

Your ideal job: mime, guru, or cartoonist

Your sense of fashion: casual and simple

You like to pig out on: fast food, especially burritos

What Sign Should You Be?

loves lollipop
3:02:00 AM

table width=350 align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>

You Should Rule Jupiter

Huge and hot, Jupiter is a quickly turning planet with short days and intense gravity.

You are perfect to rule Jupiter, because you are both dominant and kind.

You have great strength and confidence, but you never abuse your power.

You are always right. Even if you make mistakes, you compensate for them... before anyone knows it.

Headstrong and ambitious, you always have a goal in mind. You are optimistic and believe thing things will always work out.

What Planet Should You Rule?

loves lollipop
3:01:00 AM

You Are Cupid

A total romantic, you're always crushing on a new reindeer.

Why You're Naughty: You've caused so much drama, all the reindeers aren't speaking to each other.

Why You're Nice: You have a knack for playing matchmaker. You even hooked Rudolph up!

Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?

loves lollipop
2:59:00 AM

Your Life is 70% Perfect

Your life is pretty darn perfect. You don't have much to complain about.

Of course, your life is occasionally less than perfect. But you're usually too happy to notice.

How Perfect is Your Life?

loves lollipop
2:59:00 AM

You Are a Yellow Crayon

Your world is colored with happy, warm, fun colors.

You have a thoughtful and wise way about you. Some people might even consider you a genius.

Charming and eloquent, you are able to get people to do things your way.

While you seem spontaneous and free wheeling, you are calculating to the extreme.

Your color wheel opposite is purple. You both are charismatic leaders, but purple people act like you have no depth.

What Color Crayon Are You?

loves lollipop
2:54:00 AM

Your Stress Level is: 34%

You are slightly prone to stress, but generally you keep it under control.

You know how to relax and take things as they come, even when your worlds seems to be falling apart.

Occasionally, you do let yourself get stressed out, but you snap out of it pretty quickly.

How Stressed Are You?

loves lollipop
2:53:00 AM

Your Birthdate: March 7

You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy.

And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you.

Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights.

You also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice!

Your strength: Your self sufficiency

Your weakness: You despise authority

Your power color: Maroon

Your power symbol: Hammer

Your power month: July

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

loves lollipop
2:51:00 AM

Your Goth Name is:

Mortifera Asylum

What's Your Goth Name?

loves lollipop
2:50:00 AM

The Part of You That No One Sees

You are lively, dramatic, and flamboyant.

You have an outrageous personality...

And you secretly resent anyone who makes you tone it down.

Underneath it all, you are driven by your need for attention and acceptance.

You need to feel special at all times.

You are secretly jealous and occasionally insecure.

What's the Part of You That No One Sees?

loves lollipop
2:49:00 AM

You Are A Loyal Sidekick

While you aren't the most visable one in your group...

You're always up for a good time or conversation

And you stick with your friends no matter what

You may feel underappreciated - but it only seems that way!

What Kind of Friend Are You?

loves lollipop
2:47:00 AM

If You Were Born in 2893...

Your Name Would Be: Aoi Aita

And You Would Be: A High Priestess / Priest

If You Were Born in 2893

loves lollipop
2:46:00 AM

You Are a Social Blogger!

Your blog is more of a semi-private affair for your friends.

It's how you keep in touch... sharing stories, jokes, and pics.

What Kind of Blogger Are You?

loves lollipop
2:44:00 AM

You Will Die at Age 70

You're pretty average when it comes to how you live...

And how you'll die as well.

What Age Will You Die?

loves lollipop
2:43:00 AM

Your Heart Is Orange

Love equals unbridled happiness for you. You enjoy the wild ride of falling in love.

And while the ride is fun for a while, you always get off once the thrill is gone.

Your flirting style: Hyper

Your lucky first date: Anything you need your passport for!

Your dream lover: Is both daring and well grounded

What you bring to relationships: Energy

What Color Heart Do You Have?

loves lollipop
2:41:00 AM

What You Really Think Of Your Friends

Armanda is your soulmate.

You truly love Adele.

You consider Adele your true friend.

You know that Armanda is always thinking of you.

You'll remember Shai-ann for the rest of your life.

You secretly think Adele is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.

You secretly think that Shai-ann is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.

You secretly think that Armanda is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Armanda changes lovers faster than underwear.

You secretly think Adele is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Adele has a hidden internet romance.

What Do You Think of Your Friends?

loves lollipop
2:39:00 AM

Your Pirate Name Is...

Bloody Jenny of the High Seas

What's Your Pirate Name?

loves lollipop
2:36:00 AM

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I am using lime green because I am very fed up with somethings...I don't know why... I always kind of feel left out on tuesdays because adele,armanda and shai-ann shared the same tuition so armanda will go to shai-ann's house or sometimes adele's house...no offence to you guys...sorry...and #1 UNLUCKY: Mrs Chew was super super angry with me... #2 UNLUCKY: I am in Ms Kuah bad books... #3 UNLUCKY: I am in Ms Liang's bad books... #4 UNLUCKY: I had forgotten to bring my math textbook...
#5 UNLUCKY: I don't know how to kick a ball!!! today PE lesson we are supposed to practice kicking a ball but i don't know how to kick a ball!!! Mr Hoon(the Bee hoon=>that's what my sister said lol:) kept coming to my group and check on us...and I don't know how to kick a ball! Then he stepped on ym shoe to show where should i kick on...
#5 UNLUCKY: I am stupid I am stupid I am stupid I am stupid I am stupid
#6 UNLUCKY: I am dumb I am dumb I am dumb I am dumb I am dumb
Somemore TOMORROW is my oral exam!!! then comes the SA1 exam and this and that and everything!!! I started having this idea(actually its from jocelyn) to have a record form and will redeem a star when ew did well in something...then after like 8 or 10 stars, we can have something good or we can take a break or we can play computer games or we can do anything!!!
oral oral oral i hate oral!!! I am always so lousy!!! I cant think of anything to say about the picture in front of the examiner! And then my voice wil go all squeaky!!! I hate it I hate it i hate it!!! I hate myself,I hate myself,I hate myself!!! I hate myself i hate myself i hate myself!!!

loves lollipop
1:27:00 AM

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My sister my sister my sister!!! She is like so annoying! Actually me and Armanda wanted to go to buy bubble tea after remedial and after that she is fetching me home! so after remedial we went to the bubble tea shop...and on the way i said it was far away and armanda said, no it was VERY far away and i said,no it was VERY VERY far away and we continued...and i lost...:(:(:( anyway we were there and we kept walking walking walking but then i couldnt see the bubble tea shop! And i thougth i was lost but actually it was the right way but the shop is not open! Then we walk back and then i thought my sister was waiting for me but she was not there and then i thought she had already taken the bus home..but i still check if she was in the school so i walked to the school canteen and then i saw my sister playing with two of her friends! So irritating! I asked her to wait for me at the school gate but she did not and she called Mum and she scolded me for not taking care of my sister! Hey his her fault leh! I told my sister to wait for me at the bench but she didn't instead she went to play!!! Whose fault is that?????? Annoying pig! Better not let her see this! Shhhhhhhhhh! LOL:):):)

signing off....
*actually i was VERY VERY EXTREMELY angry with her and then i showered with icy cold water and ate an icy cold ice cream lol.

i finally get to post an inspirational message!

loves lollipop
3:00:00 AM

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I really couldn't help it... This blog is so plain and only has one picture on top! I created a new blog : http://www.waterfalldisaster.blogspot.com/. But actually i haven't add the polls yet and everything. Changing a blogksin to me is real tiring! I think i need 2 hours to do that! *sigh* I don't think i can blog now because of SA1 exam and i need to study hard and make my parents proud, especially on maths! I sound like a goody-goody-teachers-pet and smarty pants! BUt last year results is like so bad! I had promise myself to wrork hard this year! Do you know actually today i went for chinese remedial at 2.30pm because i went to buy bubble tea!!! So cool!:D:D:D and I bought a Peach Ice Blended! Actually Blue coral is nice but quite sweet... And when i reached school i can't finish it so i threw it away, so waste! And there's NAPFA test last friday,i havent been able to tell you about that until now...Mondayi got tuition at Jurong so i have to miss the math rememdial every monday. I want to go for math remedial! Now i LOVE LOVE LOVE maths beacuse of Mrs Chew.. Anyway guess what position i got? 16 out of 41 students! Actually some went for their CCA but 16 is quite good! But adele got position no.9!!! i had 2 stitches! And last year i got 30+ for napfa!!! `cause at first suhita asked me to wait for her! then i got a stich and i can't run anymore! I wanted to post everyday but that's not possible! And i know i am always long-winded when i blog? People would feeel very bored!!! At least when shai-ann blogged a long post, she wrote in in a different style! I am going to imrove on my blog!!! Do you know recently i lose two books already and it's NOT MY FAULT!!!! we have to leave it there! People things did not get stolen but MINE!!! The culprit obviously knows me and keep taking my things! I suspected its somebody in my class...i lost a book and had to pay for it and now i lost it again!!! MONEY MONEY MONEY!!! I AM BROKE! MONEY SOLVE EVERYTHING???!!! THE STUPID CULPRIT THINKS HE VERY RICH?! PAY LAH!!!!!I AM VERY SICK AND TIRED OF LOSING LIBRARY BOOKS THEN HAVE TO PAY FOR IT! TWO BOOKS!!!I DON'T LOSE THINGS SO EASILY LAST YEAR? AND THIS YEAR I HAD ALREADY LOST TWO BOOKS IN TWO WEEKS!!!!


loves lollipop
2:04:00 AM

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Do you know today's science lesson is like so disgusting!Actually I am not supposed to say this,but it's true:) and Mrs prm told us that actually she was like "oh, god" when se saw that she was going to teach p5 repruduving from animals! And she told us not to be disgusted blah blah blah...and then she said we must face up to reality and this and that. She also said that if we kept laughing, it emans that we are laughing at out parents as they also went through this process! then after that everybody kept quiet! But after a while everyone started to like cover their face LOL:D And then i went toilet for 2 times! And do you know that Mr hoon(our PE teacher) said "my t*****"!!!!!!!!!!! to people who are going to have their napfa test! And then after science there's health education but it's not about "that thing" it's about our meals so its ok...and do you know when i was talking to shai-ann and then armanda called and i tried to let them talk together but it was so hard! So i just have to translate and then both of them said "bye" to me! Now i wished i can to Shai-ann's house! To do my profile and this and that but there is one problem: how can i go? I am like always no transport:( and guess what? I am always no transport! How to go?! MY parents are always not at home until like 6 or 7... Oh yeah now i have to make this really BIG decision: Should i go Shenyang or going overseas with my family? If i am going shenyang then i am partnering sarah. I hope that she wouldn't change partner so that i won't end up with no partner. *sigh* I am rushing to type this! and doy ou know actually i am NOT supposed to be online but i just came online and helped shai-ann to change her blog URL. Anyway,it is star-dancing.blogspot.com! Pls relink her!(I am helping her to tell everyone in the world!") shai-ann's blog:star-dancing.blogspot.com I remeber i got something to say but with all the rush, i had forgotten!!! I am like always so forgetful!!! oh yeah i just remebered. Today arviel banged my table so loud that all the people turned around and looked at me!!! And then he accused suhita that she said he spoilt my correction tape!!! And Ms Kuah was like looking at me and then she was like,"HUH?!" and i was like,trying to act as innocent as possible! sooooooooo embarrasing! and then he also told Ms Kuah about me and armanda that we kept saying "a hmmrmph!" during science lesson, as it was very disgusting I kept saying "a hmmrmph! to armanda and then once Mrs Prem was looking at me, so i quickly took out my bottle and drink s though i have sore throat! LOL!!! I think i really need to go now!!!sorry but I don't have time to post inspiratoinal messages!

loves lollipop
12:13:00 AM

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I am so happy,happy,happy!!! We got GOLD WITH HONOUR! For chinese ochestra today!!! I couldn't believe it at first! The "reporter" said "28. Ngee Ann Primary School. Gold (pause) WITH HONOUR! Then we were like soo happy and overjoyed and glad and we all jumped up and screamed like mad and there were shouts of "yays!" everywhere! I jumped up and shouted "yeah!". Whew! My effort had not just gone. We practiced EVERYDAY during the past two weeks! I was like,holding my breath when i stepped IN the Singapore conference hall. It was like soo quiet and i felt all eyes were on me although there is only one school there...I started to walk at a even more faster pace but there was a big GAP in front of me but soon we reached the stage.My heart were like thumping thumping thumping!!! I am like soo very afraid that i played worngly! And we were supposed to stand but goodness know why i suddenly sat down when we are not supposed to then i realized everyone was still standing up so I stood up. SOOOO embarrasing! I was so scared that the judges will deduct our points but,still, GOLD WITH HONOUR! And then when we started playing, I played my BESTEST! I save my BESTEST for the SYF! But i don't think i smiled until the last part of the second song LOL.I kept telling myself to be confident,confident,CONFIDENT that i could do it! Oh yeah Dacie teared* and when the person announced?! so emotional! Hey our condustor smokes! And his mouth urm...has those kind of tobbaco smell! My mum always asked me to hold my breathe when walking past somebody who is smoking you know?! Oh yeah talking about conductor, we ALMOST didn't got GOLD WOTH HONOUR! Tao Nan got Gold `cause the conductor dropped her stick! It was like so funny! She dropped her stick and then she smiled(HEE!:D) to the audience and quickly turned and then after the songs, she bowed and held the stick tightly,as if she's afraid that it suddenly has a life on its own and slipped out of her hand. I think our conductor is the BEST BEST BEST! All of the conductors just movedtheir hands but Guo Lao Shi was like moved everything and my mum said she likes the way GLS move! LOL!Do you know i kept thinking about my blog and i MUST blog a post about SYF! I am rushing! my stupid com is like so what! I wanted to put tips on the Girls Power magazine but when i clicked "publish post" the screen became blank and i clicked the 'back' icon and it was like all i did was lost!!! LOST LOST LOST! I did all the coulours and even change the fonts this and that but then at that time i was just sofrustrated i decided to blog on syf. oh yeah FOUR lucky things happened to me today!
2.We will have Mcdonald tommorow!
3.Suhita sitting beside me!
4.Armanda fetching me home!
signing off...
*TEARED - A new word that Adele told me. Not the same meaning is cried. Teared means that your tears dripping down.LOL. Cry means that you "WAAA!WAAA!" lol! I am very bad in explaining things like this!

loves lollipop
1:11:00 AM